全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 北京市朝陽區致知學校 編輯:佚名
北京致知 著眼未來,耕耘當下。我們為學生提供多元的學習環境、多樣的學習方式與教育資源。致知堅持在教導孩子對自身身份認同的同時,兼具傳承與發展能力。致知人深刻意識到每位學生的巨大發展潛能,并鼓勵學生勇于探索未來,用他們的智慧去點亮世界。
BES guides students to be aware of their identity, heritage and development by providing them withmultiple learning environments, various teaching approaches and rich resources. BES realizes eachstudent has tremendous potential, and encourages them to be bold in exploring the future, enlight-ening the world with their zest and curiosity.
北京市朝陽區致知學校為5-15歲的孩子提供基礎教育,以中國國家課程為基礎,創造性融合IB教育理念和教學策略,使學生能夠運用雙語言進行探究式學習,增加思維的深度,拓展思維的廣度,發展交流能力、多元文化 理解能力、全球意識與參與能力。
BES offers children ages 5-15 a high quality foundation by integrating the Chinese National Curricu- lum with the plan to adopt IB teaching and learning strategies. We help students learn to inquire while thinking deep and wide, as well as develop their communication skills, multicultural understanding, global mindedness and local connectedness.
致知學校中外籍管理及教學團隊成員,既有來自中國基礎教育領域的人才,又有國際教育領域的翹楚。他們對創建中西方文化融合的學習社區擁有深刻的認知與理解,在以學生為中心的教學活動中 擁有豐富的實踐經驗。他們在致知學校中達成共識,幫助每個學生成為更好的自己。
The BES staff team is comprised of Chinese foun- dation education specialists and international education experts. Together, we bring extensive understanding and insights of East and West, helping students become their best as national and global citizens.
我們希望每個孩子不僅擁有卓越的學術素養,更具優異品格。希望他們與人為善、推己及人;教導他們 用熱情去感染身邊每一顆心靈,用善于發現美的眼 睛去溫暖這個世界。
We guide each student not only towards aca-demic excellence, but also to develop outstand-ing character, developing into a whole personthat they themselves are proud of and others aremoved by.
BES is located in Beijing Central Villa District which is a key international educational area with the Red Brick Art Museum and Maquanying Subway Station on the east, Art Base 1 on the west, Wangjing District to the south and Helixidi Wetland Forest Park to the north.