全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 德威外籍人員子女學校 編輯:佚名
? 入學機考(部分例題)
Woman: If you're worried about walking home on your own, why don't you take a taxi?
Man: I can't afford to take a bus ___ alone a taxi!
A. let
B. set
C. leave
D. stand
解析:固定搭配考察,文中第二句講我都坐不起公交車更別說是打車了,所以這里需要的意思是更不必說。符合的選項為let alone。
Woman:What’s happened to your hair?
Man: ___ by a new stylist. It looks terrible, doesn’t it?
A. I cut it
B. I had it cut
C. I was cutting it
D. I’m having it cut
解析:使役動詞用法考察。標準句型have sth. done,表示讓某事被做,done對于sth.做賓語補足語,進一步說明。因為過去找發型師剪了頭發,所以用had it cut來表達。
Man: I’ve never been much good at dancing.
Women: You’ll pick it up in no time — take my word for it.
What does the woman mean?
A. I’ll help you if you find it difficult.
B. I know it won’t take you long to learn.
C. I’m sure you’ll be able to do it eventually.
解析:文章第二句話有兩個重點,一個是pick sth. up表示**;還有一個是in no time表示很快。掌握了這兩個點答案就很快可以選出B,C選項是易錯選項,沒有能夠體現出來快這個意思。
35. A woman and a man are talking about an upcoming business trip. The woman is most concerned about…
A. shopping for a lighter suitcase.
B. reaching her clients before her trip.
C. showing respect in different cultures.
D. traveling to many countries in a short time.
解析:31秒開始,女士說:…my main concern now is that every place I go I need to give gifts to the people I meet with. I can’t buy the same thing for all my clients since gift-giving customs are so different. Some things are considered to be inappropriate and I really want to make a good impression. 很明顯這里的信號詞my main concern對應題干所問 the woman is most concerned about。通過后面的幾句話我們知道女士擔心的是送禮物,因為風俗不同,不能送同樣的禮物,她又真的想給別人留一個好的印象。這些體現是對不同文化的尊重。選C
32. A man and woman are talking. The woman says that Sandra is …
A. unfriendly.
B. dishonest.
C. unreliable.
D. inefficient.
男:what’s she like ? ( she 指Sandra)
女:Oh, she’s Ok. Talks a lot.
男:I mean, is she reliable ?
女:Oh yes, completely honest and never missed a day’s work.(這句可以很確定的排除B C)
It was just that she didn’t seem to get a lot of done.(這句同義替換為inefficient,選D)
? 入學寫作
1. 本國藝術品應該多在國內展覽還是多在國外展覽?
2. 機器人的影響
3. 塑料袋的用處?應不應該停用?
1. **題為觀點類。思路上選擇其中一個,論述它的兩個好處。支持國外展覽,理由:讓更多的人知道本國藝術品,提高國際度;聽到更多的評價,更好地完善藝術品
2. 第二題為影響類,此題型是德威官網給出題型中的第二種。思路上可以寫好的影響也可以寫壞的影響,或者即有好的影響又有壞的影響。
a. 若單方面講好的或壞的影響,則中間兩個主體段為并列關系。
b. 若表示即有好的影響又有壞的影響,則中間兩個主體段為對立關系。
3. 第三題為觀點類,思路上先回答用處,再論證是否應該停用的理由。
? 入學口語
? Mobile phones
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?
2. How often do you use your mobile phone?
3. What would your life be like without your mobile phone?
4. Should mobile phones be banned in some public places?
5. Do people today spend too much time on their mobile phones?
6. Have your parents ever been angry with you because of your phone use?
? Gifts
1. Why do people give each other gifts?
2. Do you think we should give teachers gifts?
3. In what occasion do people like to give gifts?
4. What gift would you most like to receive?
5. Who was the last person you gave a gift to?
6. What are some of the things that you do not give as gifts in your country?
? Jobs
? Being alone
? Winner and loser
? Superhero
? Animals
? 入學數學
l 考點一:幾何部分
求幾何圖形的面積(shaded area)
正方形面積-- 4個1/4小圓 ( 半徑為5 ) 的面積
即 10×10-π×52=21.46
The diagram shows a shaded shape formed by three semi-circular arcs.
The radius of each semi-circle is shown in the diagram.
(i)Calculate the perimeter of the shaded shape.
Answer: (i) 37.7 (ii) 12064
l 考點二:代數部分 ( 因式分解 )
l 考點三:概率(probability)
Three fair four - sided dice are rolled.
What is the probability that the sum of the values shown on two of the dice is the same as the value on the third dice?
There are 9 counters in a bag.
There is a number on each counter.
Kal takes at random 3 counters from the bag.
He adds together the numbers on the 3 counters to get his Total.
Work out the probability that his Total is 6.
? 入學科學
Section A
Acceleration 加速度:速度隨時間的變化率
Conduction 傳導:熱量傳播方式之一,固體介質中發生的熱量傳播主要為傳導
Resultant force 合力:作用在物體上多個力的總效果,合力是物體改變運動狀態的原因。
Section B
A car travels along the route PQRST in 30 minutes.
What is the average speed of the car?
A 10km/hour B 20km/hour C 30km/hour D 60km/hour
Section C
Rabies 狂犬病:狂犬病是因為被一些動物比如狗、蝙蝠、臭鼬或者是浣熊等帶有狂犬病病毒的動物咬傷過后引起的疾病,注意這里狂犬病是由于病原體四大分類中的病毒引起的;
HIV 一種病毒,AIDS艾滋病就是因為感染上HIV病毒而引起;
Blood clot 血痂,皮膚被割傷過后,血液會凝結,防止傷口暴露在空氣中,從而阻止空氣中的病原體進入人體,血痂為材料列舉的三個機械屏障之一。