全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 華美外國語學校 編輯:佚名
華美外國語學校坐落于美麗的梧桐山下,山明水秀、層巒疊翠,學校建筑雕梁畫棟,置身其中猶如進入城堡一般引人入勝。在教育教學方面,我校實施IB理念下的“中西融合 華美人生”課程體系,該課程基于國家課程標準,融合國際課程元素,充分發揮了兩種課程的優勢。
In the aspect of education and teaching, our school implements the curriculum system of "Integration of Chinese and Western Life" under the IB concept, which is based on the national curriculum standards, integrates the high-quality elements of international courses, and gives full play to the advantages of the two courses.
IB課程 即國際組織IBO(International Baccalaureate Organization)為全球學生開設從幼兒園到大學預科預備的課程,近年來, IB課程 項目正以其教育思想和獨特的課程結構,日漸引起世人的矚目。它的思想和實踐也開始超越" 國際學校 "的范圍,步入世界各地一些富有創新意識和兼容精神的普通中小學。
In recent years, IB curriculum project is attracting worldwide attention with its leading educational ideas and unique curriculum structure.
華美外國語學校以國家課程標準為綱要,將中國教育的優勢與IB教育理念相融合,打造了華美的“4+1+1”課程體系,即在一周的學習中,四天采用分科教學,完成國家規定的課程大綱,周五采用主題式 IB課程 教學。
With the national curriculum standards as the outline, Huamei Foreign Language School combines the advantages of Chinese education with IB educational philosophy, and creates a gorgeous and unique "4+1+1" curriculum system.
The school also runs CAS (Creativity,Action,Service) every week, which is a comprehensive activity course and one of the core courses of IB project.
In the curriculum with rich forms and contents, we should focus on cultivating children's comprehensive abilities such as questioning, exploring, cooperating and practicing, so as to lay a solid foundation for children's lifelong learning.
I believe that under the guidance of IB concept, Huamei will be able to construct the unique IB characteristic curriculum culture of the school, and cultivate a batch of world citizens with Chinese soul and international global elites.