全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 愷樂德晉華課程中心 編輯:佚名
Visual design club – students will be taught how to use commonly used visual editing programs and the basics of color theories and screen placement. After which they will be guided and receive support while editing materials of their interest to further develop their skills and improve their portfolios.
平面設計俱樂部- 學生學習如何使用常用的視覺編輯程序和基本的色彩理論進行平面設計。學習之中,他們將得到專業的指導和幫助,學習運用軟件技巧編輯他們感興趣的材料或素材 , 以進一步發掘他們的設計技能。